

网站首页>产品展示 > > > G2258AG2258A 安捷伦自动进样器

G2258A 安捷伦自动进样器






G2258A 1100/1200系列双定量环自动进样器(二手),产品处于崭新状态,能正常使用。

This listing is for an Agilent 1200 Series G2258A DLA Dual Loop Auto Sampler.

This unit has been fully refurbished and is in excellent condition.

Serial number is DE63055145

For High Sample Throughput

The Agilent 1200 Series dual loop autosampler is designed for flexible sample handling for both analytical (10 mL/min flow rate) to preparative scale purification (100 mL/min flow rate). It can be upgraded from non-thermostatted to thermostatted version by adding the Agilent 1200 Series thermostat.


  • Flexible injection volumes with 'fixed-dual loop' concept
  • Injection of volumes > 5 mL possible. Multi-draw function that allows larger sample volumes.
  • Lowest carry over by external and internal needle wash mechanism
  • Injection from variety of sample containers (vials and wellplates)
  • Optional Peltier temperature control from 4 to 40 °C for protection of thermally-labile samples

Performance Specifications 1200 Series Dual Loop Autosampler

Injection modesPartial loop filling
Complete loop filling
Injection range0.1 - 5000 µL in 0.1 µL increments
Recommended injection range 10 - 5000 µL
Loop sizeMax. loop size 5 ml (selectable range: 5 µL - 50000 µL)
Area precision
Complete loop fill
Typically < 0.5% RSD,(50 µL loop, overfill factor 3 or greater)
Area precision
Partial loop fill
Typically < 1.0% RSD,(5000 µL loop, 1000µL injection volume, draw/eject speed 20 mL/min)
Sample viscosity range0.2 - 5 cp
Sample capacity2 well-plates (96 and 384) plus 10 additional 2-mL vials
108 x 2-mL vials in 2 x 54 vial plate plus 10 additional 2-mL vials
30 x 6-mL vials in 2 x 15 vial plate plus 10 additional 2-mL vials
54 Eppendorf tubes (0.5/1.5/2.0 mL) in 2 x 27 Eppendorf tube plate
Vial septa and closing mats must be pre-slit.
Carry-over< 0.1% with rinse factor > 3 (see test method listing in manual)